thrive | \ ˈthrīv\
: to grow or develop successfully
: to flourish or succeed to one’s full potential
The Thriving Child Summit is a FREE online conference for parents who want to learn how to help their children THRIVE!

Learn how to help your child thrive!
The Thriving Child Summit is for YOU if you want to learn:
- The foundations for optimal children’s health.
- What to feed your kids (or avoid!) to nourish their bodies and brains.
- How to use natural medicines to avoid antibiotics and keep your child healthy.
- The truth about EMFs, GMOs, pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins – and how to keep your kids healthy in our toxic world.
- How to find the root cause and heal your child’s leaky gut, anxiety/depression, ADHD, autism, PANDAS/PANS, eczema, acne, and other chronic illnesses.
- The truth about vaccine safety from two board-certified pediatricians.
- How to talk to kids about puberty, stress management and social media – so that they’ll actually listen!
- How to “trauma-proof” your child and create resilient kids for a lifetime.
- How genetics really plays a role in the future of your or your child’s health.
- How to reclaim your mama vitality.
- And more!
How Our Summit Works:
- Sign up with your name and email at the top of this page!
- The Thriving Child Summit is a FREE online conference.
- Before the week of the summit, you’ll receive periodic emails with Thriving Child Summit updates and full instructions.
- Once the summit starts, you’ll receive daily emails with links to watch each speaker’s interview. All the interviews are presented as streaming video that you can watch with any internet-connected device.
- You will also gain access to all the bonus gifts from our speakers during the entire week of the summit.
- You have the option to purchase audio and video downloads and transcripts of all the interviews so you have access to the entire summit forever!
Already know you want to purchase the
Thriving Child Summit?

Don’t miss out on pre-summit sale prices!
If you missed last year’s amazing summit, click on the link below for last year’s summit. All the 2016 interviews and transcripts are still available for purchase.
Thriving Child Summit 2016
Our Amazing Speakers and Topics
DAY 1: Monday, September 18 – Foundations

Elisa Song, MD
“Healthy Gut, Thriving Child –
What Parents Need to Know About Leaky Gut and Their Child”

Katie Wells
“Dirt, Sunshine and Light –
Easy but Unconventional Ways to Boost Your Child’s Health”

Beth Lambert
“Redefining Children’s Health in the 21st Century”

Evan Brand
“Creating a Healthy Home and Gut Microbiome for Your Child”

Helen Padarin, ND
“Gut Health for Kids –
Healthy Tummies, Happy Kids”

DAY 2: Tuesday, September 19 – More Foundations

Erika Gray, PharmD
“Use Your Child’s Genes to Create a Blueprint for a Healthier Life”

Paul Thomas, MD
“The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Science You Should Know When Making Decisions to Vaccinate or Not”

Mira Dessy
“Real Food to Nourish Our Children’s Bodies and Brains”

Carla Atherton, MA, FDN
“Being a Holistic Mama – How to Help Your Children Thrive in our Modern World”

Madiha Saeed, MD
“The HolisticMom, MD Rx: Easy, Cost and Time Effective Lifestyle Tips to Heal and Prevent Chronic Disease”

Kristine Gedroic, MD
“The Gut-Brain Connection: Healing Our Children’s Gut Microbiome/Mycobiome to Help Them Thrive”
DAY 3: Wednesday, September 20 – Integrative Health for Your Child

B.J. Hardick, DC
“Pediatric Approaches to Chiropractic & Detoxification”

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom
“Using Homeopathy Instead of Drugs for Ear Infections, Sore Throats, Coughs, and More”

Razi Berry, ND
“Mind/Body Mama: Naturopathic Home Remedies to Help Children Thrive”

Steven Lin, DDS
“The Dental Diet – How to Grow a Happy, Healthy Child”

William Walsh, PhD
“Drug-Free Nutrient Therapy to Heal Your Child’s Brain”

Amy Joy Smith, NP
“Is My Kid Crazy? What Parents Need to Know about PANDAS/PANS”
DAY 4: Thursday, September 21 – Diet

Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
“Childhood Epidemics – Where are We Going? The Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome, and Vegetarianism Explained”

Katherine Reid, PhD
“Unblind My Mind: Is What We’re Eating Making Us Sick and Crazy?”

Yasmina Ykelenstam
“Recognizing and Healing Histamine Intolerance in Your Child”

JJ Virgin
“Sugar and Your Kids: Making the Sugar Impact Diet a Family Affair”

Tara Hunkin
“Is Poor Digestion Sabotaging Diet Efforts With Your Child?”

Kaayla Daniel, PhD
“Over the Hump: Healing with Bone Broth, Camel’s Milk and Other Traditional Superfoods”
DAY 5: Friday, September 22 – Toxins

Libby Darnell, DC
“Protecting Our Children from EMFs to Help Them Thrive”

Michelle Perro, MD
“What’s Making Our Kids Sick – the Truth about Genetically-Modified Foods”

Christine Schaffner, ND
“EMFs, Glyphosate, and Heavy metals – What You Need to Know for Your Family”

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD
“EMFs, Toxins, and Your Child”

Ryan & Teddy Sternagel
“Create a Healing Home for Your Child”
DAY 6: Saturday, September 23 – Teens, Hormones and Skin

Geo Espinosa, ND
“From Boys to Men – How to Raise Healthy Boys so They Become Strong Men”

Brooke Kalanick, ND
“Hormones, Your Teenage Daughter, and You”

Cara Natterson, MD
“Boys, Girls, Puberty and Life Lessons”

Michelle Jeffries, DO
“Holistic Management of Acne for You and Your Teen”

Trevor Cates, ND
“Clean Skin from Within: Achieving Beautiful Skin from the Inside Out”
DAY 7: Sunday, September 24 – Love, Hope and Inspiration

Niki Gratix
“How to “Trauma-Proof” Your Child and Raise Resilient Kids for a Lifetime”

Dawn Huebner, PhD
“The Surest Way to Break Free From Anxiety (Kids Can Do It, Too!)”

Sarah Fragoso
“Homeschooling and Mindfulness with Your Children”

Stephen Cowan, MD
“Helping Your Child Thrive Through the Cycles of Life”

Shawn Tassone, MD
“Pregnancy as the Hero’s Journey and How to Carry Integrative Health and Hormonal Balance into Motherhood”

Anne Margolis, CNM, LM, NP, MSN, BSN, RNC
“Healthy Happy Babies Begin with Healthy Happy Birthing”
Bonus Gifts from Our Speakers

Beth Lambert
Free Ebook: Learn How 6 Moms Healed Their Kids (and how you can heal your child, too!)
Read the stories of 6 moms who healed their children of conditions such as asthma, autism, arthritis and more!

Evan Brand
Free video training on adrenal dysfunction, parasites and copper toxicity.
This 3-part video series outlines the truth about “adrenal fatigue,” something that many moms and even children deal with.

Helen Padarin, ND
The Poop Chart – Let’s talk about poo.
Do you know your poop?
Having an understanding of what you might normally just flush and forget can actually help you learn about your health and overall wellbeing.
This guide will help you uncover what the shape, color, texture and smell of your poop is telling you about what’s happening inside your body.

Dave Asprey
15% at checkout on
A discount code will be available at the start of the summit on 9/18/2017, good for one use per person through 12/31/2017 (excludes bundles/kits, tech, subscriptions, coffee accessories and 5lb coffee).

Erika Gray, PharmD
Bonus #1: Recipes to Support Your GeneStyle
Bonus #2: Win a FREE 15-minute consultation. Purchase a Toolbox Health Action Plan and enter the word THRIVE at checkout to get a chance to win a FREE 15-minute consultation, 10 winners in September and 10 more in October.

Paul Thomas, MD
Win a Signed Copy of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Register while watching Dr. Thomas’ interview during Encore Day for a chance to win one of 5 signed copies of his fantastic book.

Mira Dessy
Free Ebook: Is Plastic Making You Fat and Anxious?
Plastic is everywhere. It’s hard to avoid. Unfortunately it has implications for our health, weight gain, and anxiety. In addition to being a hormone disruptor, early exposure to BPA and other chemicals – even ones developed to be environmentally friendly – can increase the risk of issues such as anxiety, depression, inattentive behavior, aggression, and hyperactivity. Learn how to decrease your exposure to these toxins. Discover which detoxifying foods can help your body release them. This eBook comes with a free bonus section covering edible packaging.

Carla Atherton, MA, FDN
Two free gifts and one special offer to introduce Healthy Family Formula.
Free Gift #1: 5 Webinars Delivered Live on Saturdays from October 7th – November 4th, 2017: one per week.
Free Gift #2: One Month FREE Trial of the Family Health Revolution: Raising Whole Healthy Children in Our Ailing, Modern World Family HealthCare Program
Special Offer: Get all three of the Children’s Health Summits (that’s over 95 interviews on all topics regarding children’s health) for $97CDN!

B.J. Hardick, DC
Free Ebook: Real Detox
More than just telling you what to do, Dr. Hardick wants you to become empowered to recognize the effects of toxins in your life and take the necessary steps to eliminate them. Real Detox is a 93-page eBook that includes Dr. Hardick’s personal battle with toxicity, how toxins are tied to disease, a daily detox strategy, and more!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom
Powerful Family Remedies
7 common conditions, 7 homeopathic remedy choices instead of the allopathic (Western) medicine. Download the high-resolution infographic during the summit.

Steven Lin, DDS
Free Ebook: Mom’s Guide to Healthier Teeth for Your Kids and the Whole Family!
Get Healthier Teeth and Reboot Your Health Today!

Libby Darnell, DC
Free Ebook: Top 10 EMF Action Steps
Learning about Electromagnetic Frequencies can be overwhelming, not to mention a little confusing! Grab your FREE copy of “Top 10 EMF Action Steps” today so you can get started on a path of reducing your family’s exposure and making your home safer!

Michelle Perro, MD
Complimentary excerpt from Dr. Perro’s forthcoming book What’s Making Our Children Sick
What if toxicants in our foods are a major culprit in our children’s chronic illness and morbidity? One that, if corrected, could lead to tangible results and increased health? Using patient accounts of clinical experiences and new medical insights about pathogenesis of chronic pediatric disorders, What’s Making Our Children Sick guides the reader through gut dysfunction and the microbiome, as well as the politics of food science, connecting the dots to explain our kids’ ailing health..

Ryan & Teddy Sternagel
The Healing Home Checklist
A comprehensive, easy to follow prioritized checklist that walks you through the ten areas of awareness, and exactly what to address in each, to remove all obstacles to healing and transform your home into a healing home.

Ann Shippy, MD
Free Ebook: Dr. Shippy’s Reducing Environmental Toxicity Guide
A healthy lifestyle includes many things: from knowledge to nutrition, from genetics to lifestyle, and from emotional and mental health to controlling your environment. This free guide has been designed to help you do the latter… limit the effects of increased toxicity in your environment, and that of your family.

JJ Virgin
Free Cookbook: JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet 2-Week Cookbook
You can never have enough recipes! This cookbook is designed by JJ Virgin to help you sail through the “Cycle 2: Transition” part of the Sugar Impact Diet.

Tara Hunkin
Free Download: My Child Will Thrive Bundle Pack
This bundle pack includes the Digestion Cheat Sheet, the Food Sleep Mood & Poop Journal Review Checklist, and the Food Sleep Mood & Poop Journal.

Desert Farms Camel Milk
Free Desert Farms Camel Milk – 4 Bottles Sample Pack
Camel’s milk is the closest milk to human breast milk. Camels produce a very unique milk that have some rare beneficial properties, such as high levels of immunoglobulins and powerful immune-boosting substances. It works great for children with dairy sensitivities.

Kaayla Daniel, PhD
Free Ebooks: Be Souper: 7 Ways to Improve your Health and Energy with Broth and Extra Helping of Nourishing Broth
Get FREE Extra Recipes and 7 Great Tips on How to Boost your Health & Energy.

Lara Adler
A Parents Guide to Creating A Healthier Home for Healthier Kids
While we’d love to think of our homes as safe nests to raise our kids, they are unfortunately places where our children can have the highest exposures to potentially harmful chemicals. In this guide, you’ll learn where these toxins can be hiding out, and what simple action steps you can take to reduce your and your child’s exposures. Let’s make our homes safe, healthy places for our children to grow!

Cara Natterson, MD
Win a Signed Copy of Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys.
Register while watching Dr. Natterson’s interview during Encore Day for a chance to win one of 5 signed copies of her fantastic book.

Michelle Jeffries, DO
Free Ebook: 5 Natural Supplements that Help Eliminate Acne
From an integrative dermatology perspective, acne is not just a skin issue. Acne clearly impacts the skin, but there are many underlying contributing factors associated with acne. In this eBook, you will read more about a concept called the “gut-brain-skin axis” which is the link between the skin, gastrointestinal system and nervous system. You will also learn information about the background of each supplement, its basic biochemistry and some of the science behind its role in acne.

Trevor Cates, ND
Free Ebook: The Best and Worst Foods for Your Skin

Niki Gratix
Free Ebook: The 7 Steps to Healing Emotional Trauma and Building Resilience

Kim D’Eramo, MD
MindBody Resources for Kids!
Bonus #1: Parent Tapping Session video. This is a tapping session for parents and child caretakers to use to release physical, mental, and emotional energy that is causing distress in relationship with a child. Use it anytime you are stressed or worried about your child, frustrated or afraid in dealing with challenges with child, or before you interact with your child for the best interaction possible.
Bonus #2: Tapping Session for Kids video. Younger kids may need your guidance and this sequence will help you teach them. Older kids will be able to learn tapping on their own from this video.
Bonus #3: General Tapping Sequence for Kids audio. This is a great tool for kids to use before bed AND first thing in the morning to release anxiety and clear their physical, mental and emotional states to reverse disease and live at their best!

Anne Margolis, CNM, LM, NP, MSN, BSN, RNC
Free Ebook: “Mama’s Best: #1 Resources For Pregnancy”
154 of the best supplies, books and movies Anne uses personally and professionally with her clients, family & friends. Even diving into a fraction of this list will have you feeling empowered and prepared for conception, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting!
Order the Thriving Child Summit 2017 Today!
Own all of our expert interviews!
Your access allows you to download and watch the interviews indefinitely!
Here’s why most people purchase these expert interviews:
- I have selected the top experts in holistic health and wellness who I believe EVERY single parent must hear! You will want to watch these inspiring and educational interviews over and over. I guarantee that each time you do, you will learn another pearl of wisdom!
- You missed some of the interviews.
- You want to watch the entire summit at your own pace.
- You want to listen to audio recordings rather than watch the videos.
- You would like to read transcripts of all of the interviews.
- You want to download the videos and audios to watch and listen on your devices.
- Purchasing the Thriving Child Summit will guarantee that you don’t miss a single valuable piece of information to help you and your child thrive!

When you purchase the All Access package, you’ll not only gain access to all of the amazing life-changing information presented in the Thriving Child Summit 2017 AND the Thriving Child Summit 2016, you’ll gain access to a live Q&A session with Dr. Elisa Song where you can ask her just about anything! Don’t miss this opportunity to have a virtual holistic pediatrician at your fingertips! Dr. Song will answer as many questions as she can during this 2-hour Q&A session. And don’t worry – if you can’t make it live, you can submit questions ahead of time for Dr. Song, and the Q&A session recording will be available to watch any time. Any questions that Dr. Song doesn’t have time to answer will be on queue for her next blog posts!
This session is priceless! Dr. Song’s practice has been closed to new patients for years, but she wants every holistic mama and papa to have this opportunity to access her knowledge for 2 whole hours! This session is yours for FREE with your purchase of the All Access package.
SPACE IS LIMITED. Be sure to grab your spot for the live Q&A session with Dr. Song as a bonus with your purchase of the All Access package today!
The Q&A session with Dr. Song will be made available to all other attendees after the summit completes on September 26 if space allows. The cost to attend the Q&A session without purchasing the All Access package is $47.
(Please note: This Q&A session is for informational purposes only. Dr. Song will not provide specific medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for you or your child. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)
Purchase During the Summit for a Huge Discount
If you purchase before or during the summit, the price represents a huge discount to the regular price once the summit is over.
Package Name | Before Summit (before 9/18/2017) |
During Summit (from 9/18/2017 to 9/25/2017) |
Regular Price (after 9/25/2017) |
Interviews Only | $57 | $77 | $129 | |
Transcripts Only | $37 | $57 | $89 | |
Interviews & Transcripts | $77 | $97 | $159 | |
All Access | $97 | $117 | $199 | |
All interviews are delivered in standard file formats — mp3 audios, mp4 videos and PDF transcripts. Purchased content available September 27, 2017. We offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee on our online programs. |
Choose the Package You Want!
Interviews Only $129 |
Transcripts Only $89 |
Interviews & Transcripts $159 |
![]() All Access $199 |
Thriving Child Summit 2017 | ||||
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Thriving Child Summit 2016 | ||||
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About Your Host, Dr. Elisa Song, MD

Hi there! I’m holistic mama doc, Elisa Song, MD
I’m “mama” to beautiful, spunky Kenzi and sweet, goofy Bodi. I’m wife to dedicated, loving, supportive Peter. I’m a daughter, twin, and big sister. I’m a Jersey girl at heart, Northern Californian in spirit. I’m a wine and food lover – pretty much all of it, especially bacon. And I’m a wannabe home chef and amateur photographer.
I’m a board-certified, Stanford-, NYU-, UCSF-trained holistic pediatrician. In my holistic pediatric practice, Whole Family Wellness, I have helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and helped their parents understand how to heal their children from the inside out using an integrative pediatric approach. Additionally, I have an online blog, Healthy Kids Happy Kids, dedicated to sharing my decades of knowledge as a holistic pediatrician and mama WITH YOU, in a super fun, yet practical and informative way.
Read the full story here →